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Supercharge your legal contracting workflows from review to negotiation by 3x

Organize any tasks. Prioritize with ease

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Effortlessly manage multiple projects, save 30% time.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris id nunc odio. Aliquam et tellus urna. Phasellus egetadipiscing elit. Mauris id nunc odio. Aliquam et tellus urna. Phasellus eget

Boost productivity by 80% with task prioritization.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris id nunc odio. Aliquam et tellus urna. Phasellus egetadipiscing elit. Mauris id nunc odio. Aliquam et tellus urna. Phasellus eget

Track progress with ease, improve by50

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Increase in your revenue by end of this month is comming

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Streamline your contract review and negotiation

Respond with redlines in seconds using our AI editor that supports Word and PDF docs


Review contracts 3x faster

Use Docsum's AI editor to review key contract clauses, apply redlines, and resolve redlines from counter parties.
Increase your review time to a matter of seconds.


Identify contract red flags fast

Get a comprehensive analysis of clause that deviate from playbooks configured from your base contracts. Docsum is trained against a dataset of contracts labeled by attorneys to provide you with human-like insights on potential issues or negotiation points based on your configured playbook.

Docsum enables legal document summarization using AI

AI document summarization + review

Upload any document to get a comprehensive summary powered by GPT-4 trained against a corpus of legal training data. Ask the Docsum legal assistant any question and get answers with sources. Docsum provides suggested questions from real attorneys based on document type.


Extract contract obligations and assign actions

Docsum auto-extracts contract obligations (SLAs, terms, clauses, etc.) and enables you to assign actions to specific users in your organization or external parties. Configure notifications via email, Slack, or text to ensure all parties meet the obligations listed in the document.

Supercharge your legal operations

Docsum leverages GPT-4 to empower in-house legal teams to operate more efficiently and offload manual workflows like document review and redline negotiations with customers.

Sales Teams

Use Docsum to enable your sellers to review contracts and negotiate redlines independently. Integrate Docsum with your existing CRM and CLM workflows to manage the entire last mile of consensus.

  • Integrate with CRM and e-signature tools
  • Capture key commercial terms and obligations
  • Turn around customer redlines in seconds
In-house Legal Teams

Handle all contract reviews and analysis in Docsum using an interactive AI editor that handles PDF and DOCX files natively. Enable track changes and comments to negotiate with counterparties using a customized playbook.

  • AI editor with track changes
  • Customized playbooks owned by legal
  • Integrate with Outlook, Slack, and your CLM
Procurement Teams

Easily review vendor contracts and apply red lines based on your organizational contracts playbook. Respond to MSAs, DPAs, and other key contract types you own and chat with Docsum AI to get key insights.

  • Review vendor contracts in seconds
  • Apply redlines and send back via .docx or PDF report
  • Customize analysis playbooks

Hear what our users have to say about Matte.

Say goodbye to the stress of disorganization and hello to a more focused, efficient, and successful you

Sarah Johnson
CEO - Apple INC
"I've been using Matte app for the past month and it has completely transformed the way I manage my daily tasks. The interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate “
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David K.
CEO - Apple INC
As a small business owner, effective communication and collaboration are key to success. This app's team collaboration feature has and helped us get things done faster
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Sarah Johnson
CEO - Apple INC
I never thought I'd be able to keep up with my tasks until I started using this app. It's a lifesaver! The ability to customize my to-do list has made a big impact on my productivity.
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Jessica B.
CEO - Apple INC
I've been using this app for a few months now and I'm blown away by how much it has improved my workflow changer for me. It's also incredibly affordable
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David K.
CEO - Apple INC
As a small business owner, effective communication and collaboration are key to success. This app's team collaboration feature has and helped us get things done faster
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Sarah Johnson
CEO - Apple INC
I never thought I'd be able to keep up with my tasks until I started using this app. It's a lifesaver! The ability to customize my to-do list has made a big impact on my productivity.
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Docsum enables automated contract reviews and negotiations using playbooks. Book a demo with us today to see how we can superchange you legal workflows.

Basic Plan
  • AI document editor w/track changes
  • Unlimited NDA analysis
  • 1 contract upload and analysis
Pro Plan
  • AI document editor w/track changes
  • Unlimited NDA analysis
  • 10 contract uploads and analysis
  • Multiple users
  • Customizable playbooks
Enterprise Plan
  • AI document editor w/track changes
  • Unlimited NDA analysis
  • Unlimited contract uploads and analysis
  • Customizable playbooks and contract types
  • Slack Integration
  • Premium support and training
  • 24/7 support security
  • Reporting features
  • Real-time collaboration
  • Customization options

What are you waiting for?

Start simplifying your tasks today and sign up now!

Start a free trial today
Want to connect with us?

We are looking to connect with sales and in-house legal teams for our pilot program. If you're excited about Docsum, please drop your email below.

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